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Upcoming Dedications

We don’t have any dedications scheduled right now, but check back to see when you can join us to celebrate our next homes!


Do you love your RV and want to travel and help the community at the same time? Habitat for Humanity’s Care-A-Vanners program is for you! No experience is necessary, and we welcome everyone from North Carolina to California and beyond.

We usually welcome Care-A-Vanners twice every year for a two-week period (during the fall and during our spring Collegiate Challenge program). We will build Tuesday-Friday each week, with the remaining days available for you to relax and explore Chatham County and the Triangle area.

For more information on our specific program, please email 

Emily Hendrickson. To learn about becoming a Care-A-Vanner, please click here.

Collegiate Challenge

As of August 2020, Habitat for Humanity International has suspended Collegiate Challenge through the

end of 2021.

Every Spring, Chatham Habitat welcomes groups of college students from across the nation to join us in Chatham County for a week of volunteering. The students stay with a community partner organization and spend their time on the construction site where they learn new skills while building relationships and confidence.


College is the perfect time to start a tradition of volunteerism. Again and again, students spend the week working hard for a family, and they leave with great memories and that warm, fuzzy feeling. In addition to the week of work, each University makes a financial contribution to sponsor each student, and that support makes up an important part of funding each home that we build.


We are always interested in hearing from Universities who may want to sponsor an Alternative Break trip to Chatham County. Additionally, we love for local churches, schools, and individuals to get involved. We always want to show a warm welcome to our Collegiate Challenge groups. Contact Emily Hendrickson to learn more!


Women Build

Due to Covid-19 cases continuing to rise, we are cancelling Women Build 2020 with the hopes that we can have a fun and safe event in 2021.

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