Date: Saturday December 21st in the Admin Building at Chatham Habtiat (467 West Street, Pittsboro, NC)
Time: 9:00- 1:00
Several churches have donated items for a special sale to fund Apostle Build. Come check out gently used household items, furnishings, etc. The funds generated by this special sale will help build homes for deserving families. Chatham Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with God and people to create self-help opportunities for families to own affordable homes, improve their lives, and strengthen their communities.
More information about Apostles Build:
Symbolic of Jesus’ 12 disciples, 12 congregations of various denominations and faiths share sponsorship of a home for a family in need. Groups volunteer on the construction site and provide financial backing. Faith groups in Chatham County have helped build nine homes through this program so far. Two Apostles Build homes are built each year and groups can sign up at any time. For more about Apostles Build, visit the Apostle Build page, email Mechelle Thompson or call her at 919.542.0794, ext. 228.