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Aunt Bea Fundraiser: The Talk of Siler City!

On Friday, April 11th, Chatham Habitat hosted a lovely fundraiser at the home of Larry and Vickie Russell in Siler City. Larry and Vickie’s home is beautiful in its own right, but it is also well known as the former home of actress Frances Bavier who played the iconic role of Aunt Bea on the Andy Griffith Show. Around 150 people came to the fundraiser, enjoyed one another’s company, learned a little about Habitat, and shared dinner and drinks. Here at Habitat, we could not be more thrilled to see the community come together and rally around the work that we’re doing in Chatham County. We would like to extend a warm thank you to Siler City for coming together and supporting Habitat so wholeheartedly–we are so glad to be able to serve a community that is so willing to help those who need a hand-up.

Thank You, Siler City!

 We were lucky enough to have all of the food and drinks donated by various businesses, restaurants, and individual donors, which meant that all of the proceeds from the evening went directly to building houses.

We would like to thank the following donors: Brookwood Farms in Siler City, Chili’s in Apex, Brownie Lu’s in Siler City, CrossRoads Grill in Siler City, Lowe’s Foods in Chapel Hill. Food Lion in Pittsboro, Subway in Pittsboro, Smithfield’s Chicken & BBQ in Siler City, WalMart in Siler City, WalMart in Chapel Hill, Bojangles in Siler City, McDonalds in Siler City, best Foods Cafeteria in Siler City, Walgreens in Siler City, Marv Cashion, Linda Zaremba, and Candida Cruickshank. 

We would also like to thank the Town of Siler City for their outstanding support. Without the help of the town board, the police department and Chief Gary Tyson, we never could have pulled it off!


And last but most importantly, we’re immensely grateful for Larry and Vickie Russell’s remarkable hospitality. It’s good people that will open their home to support a cause that they care for, and Larry and Vickie went out of their way to make sure that this event was a grand success!

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Larry, our gracious host, just before the party started!


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