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Special Thanks To…

Students from the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg taking a “Steve Selfie” with the extra $2,500 they raised for Chatham Habitat

…County Commissioner and Owner of Atlantic Power Solutions Walter Petty for his generous donation of a generator for CHFH House #118

…GridFree! NC, especially Whitney Beers Schmidt, for donating and installing the solar array on CHFH  House #117

 …Saint Vincent College for sending 30 hardworking students to Chatham Habitat for their Spring Break

…The University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg for their 30 students, especially because of their attitudes AND the extra $2,500 that they raised on their own and brought to contribute to CHFH

…Hamilton College for their small but VERY helpful group of students who gave up their Spring Break to help up build

Apostle Build Partner Merony UMC’s Pastor Jim Whittaker and Mechelle Thompson

…Pittsboro Food Lion for donating a monthly gift card to be raffled at the ReStore

…Structural Woods Preserving for their donation of lumber to build planter boxes to be sold i n  the ReStore

…Lowe’s Home Improvement for donating lumber and supplies to build planter boxes to be sold in the ReStore

…Boy Scout Troop #39 for building planter boxes to be sold in the ReStore

…UNITS Moving & Portable Storage Specialists in Siler City for donating our movable storage units

…Our wonderful Attorney Paul Messick for all his hard work, all the time

…Chatham Cares Pharmacy for working with us to host a successful Prescription Take Back Day

…The Chatham County Sheriff’s Office and Pittsboro Police Department for working with us to host a successful Prescription Take Back Day

…Mebane Auction House for taking our special ReStore donations and auctioning them to a larger audience at no commission

…Volunteer Extraordinaire BOB RUSSELL for working hard to make sure that our Collegiate Challenge students are always well fed

Our new Mobile Storage Units from UNITS Moving and Portable Storage Specialists

…Carolina Brewery for donating Food for Collegiate Challenge

…The Belted Goat at Fearrington  for donating Food for Collegiate Challenge

…The Pittsboro Roadhouse for donating Food for Collegiate Challenge

…Tarantini’s Restaurant for donating Food for Collegiate Challenge

…Carolina Meadows for donating Food for Collegiate Challenge

…Food Lion in Pittsboro for donating Food for Collegiate Challenge

…Food Lion at Governors Village for donating Food for Collegiate Challenge

…Governors Club  for donating Food for Collegiate Challenge

…Angelina’s Kitchen  for donating Food for Collegiate Challenge

…Our regular volunteers for their constant commitment and advocacy on our part. We couldn’t do this without you!

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