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Steve Selfies

Earlier this year, we hired a new Construction Site Supervisor–Steve Clark. Steve’s construction experience combined with his excitement and enthusiasm when leading volunteers have quickly made him an invaluable part of the team at Chatham Habitat. During Women Build, I asked Steve to take a few group photos, and he also took this one–he wanted to be included! It immediately became one of my favorite photos from the day. It so perfectly illustrates Steve’s welcoming and fun personality on the job site, and that’s what we love about him!

Because I got such a kick out of this first photo, Steve has made a habit of taking “Steve Selfies” on the site, and I’ve been collecting them for a few weeks now. Y’all should get a good laugh out of these–and if you haven’t met Steve yet, you’ll love him! Next time you see him, remind him to take a “Steve Selfie”!

Cleveland State 2


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