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The Sewing Bee

Looking for a unique way to get involved with Chatham Habitat? Twice a year, we host a group of folks who like to sew in our office, and they spend the day making beautiful pillows, purses, tablecloths, and aprons. We then sell the items they made in the ReStore. On February 19th, the group came in and made more than 50 items in one day!

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The items will be on sale in the ReStore this Spring. If you’re interested in joining the Sewing Bee Group, let us know. You don’t have to have any experience, the group will help you learn how to make pillows.

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We’re so grateful to these women who are willing to give of their time and talent to help Chatham Habitat. There are so many ways to help out (only one involves a hammer), and they all help us build more houses.

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