women build 2025
sponsor info
Sponsorship Levels:
Platinum Level - $2500+
Up to two dedicated corporate volunteer days with event t-shirts and lunch provided
Prominent name and logo listed on event T-shirt
Opportunity to include company-branded items and ads in gift bags
Logo in Chatham Habitat newsletter (3,000+ subscribers)
Social media recognition during event (with logo)
Opportunity to speak at lunch during Friday & Saturday events
Dedicated news release: “Your Company and Habitat for Humanity Partner to Build Affordable Housing”
Logo featured on website
Framed certificate of recognition
Gold Level - $1000
10 dedicated volunteer spots during Women Build Event days
Name and logo listed on event T-shirt
Opportunity to include company branded items and ads in gift bags
Logo in Chatham Habitat newsletter (3000+ subscribers)
Social media recognition during event
Inclusion in Women Build news release
Logo featured on website
Framed certificate of recognition
Silver Level - $500
Name listed on event T-shirt
Opportunity to include company branded items and ads in gift bags
Name in Chatham Habitat newsletter (3000+ subscribers)
Social media recognition during event
Name featured on website
Certificate of recognition
Bronze Level - $250
Name listed on event T-shirt
Opportunity to include company branded items and ads in gift bags
Name in Chatham Habitat newsletter (3000+ subscribers)
Certificate of recognition